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Has the new year brought you more than just time to use today?

  Almost everywhere in the world, the arrival of the New Year is welcomed with great pomp, and even celebrated in religion and society with sacred rituals, carols, gifts and lots of fun. But I ask myself, as a man with a certain amount of common sense, and I think I would like to learn more about common sense so that I can then practice at least some of the things I have learned: has the year that ended not long ago brought me anything? You will have had some achievements, you will say. That depends. But what has the year itself contributed to the achievements that, thanks to the power and gifts that come from God, have knocked at my door? Come to think of it, the previous year and the ones that have gone before haven't even brought me time, I would say. I don't intend to complain by saying that. As we know, time can and does exist anyway. Regardless of the calendar. Just as the clock measures the units of time, according to the measurements that have been given to it, so does

Take responsibility, man! Otherwise, life will only give you ...what it has.



How do you feel when you hear this word? What things does it awaken in you? What memories? How do you see yourself when you really have that feeling of emptiness, of being incomprehensible, of "nobody really wants me!"? Have you been through this recently? Do you know that being alone and feeling alone are two totally different things? Yes, it's perfectly normal to have a lot of problems when you're lonely. It's absolutely normal to cry if you feel the need! Crying is a normal necessity of the human body, through this the body, including the brain, that altar of the Temple that represents your body is discharged, purified.If crying is so normal, and it is after all natural that from time to time we let our eyes, the center of vision in the body, the windows of the inner Temple, be moistened by the rain of fine tears of joy, why not?

But can complaining be at least as healthy? Let's think a little: what do those who complain gain, or what benefits do they have? What is the use of telling others what problems you are facing? They have the necessary tools to heal your heart, to bring you a state of well-being and to present the situation you are dealing with from a more optimistic, more balanced, perhaps more practical point of view than you are looking at you to the life you lead including the trials part of it?

What are the many "problems" in your life but trials? 

Do you remember when you were a kid? How did you deal with worries, fears, fears and threats from colleagues? More than likely you would go to mommy and daddy and ask them for help. At the same time, avoid telling other colleagues what problems you were facing at school. Do you remember why? For at least two reasons: 1) due to the education you received from your parents, where you learned that it is not nice to cry, that people of character do not cry, that we must be patient like the biblical character Job, that it is not nice to cry in girls face if a certain boy hit you, if you fell, that he kiss his mother and passes, etc.

2) attitude formation according to the rules and social norms learned at school. There you learn that if you tell others what you have suffered, you are a blamer, you are perceived as weak, socially unadaptable, etc..

And you wake up around 20-30, 40 years alone, abandoned by everyone, without a girlfriend, without friends, lacking affection and love. And you know something? This is perfectly normal, especially in the world we live in today! This should be written on the facade of all schools, high schools and universities around the world, especially in Europe: IT IS ABSOLUTELY NORMAL TO LIVE WITHOUT LOVE!!

Why can we say this? I tell you from experience, nowadays we can all observe an indisputable fact: the world has changed! Now we rather find a work partner who can also become our life partner, otherwise nothing special. Romantic relationships, involving feelings, are abundantly found in movies and novels. However, in private life, living in a world that keeps us more and more apart from each other, a world that seems to keep us busy, focused on career and making money, we find, unfortunately, less and less time for love, although in fact love would look for us, but for a long time we no longer feel its call in our heart, the voice of our heart does not reach us, as its communication channel is blocked by the noise of cars on the street, we often do not notice a man with a soul grandiose from the crowd running hurriedly towards so many ways of nowhere that we often forget to answer jump, what more can I say about love? Of course, it's a beautiful feeling, and, in most cases, at least the ladies stay with that: with the feeling of Love, or at least its shadow overshadows their sad and lonely nights.

Love simply cannot exist in souls where hatred takes root like a tree, grows and blossoms like at home! And of course, there is no way to do this in the souls burdened by excess work and the desire to make money and excel in business and promote in the career!

Love is looking for a compatible soul, but also capable of producing it and maintaining it over time. And he will wait long and well. If you and I don't think to open our hearts to the other from time to time. Love needs openness. She is not used to lying between concrete and toiling unnecessarily for days and weeks in a row for a salary of two lei! Love does not despise work! On the contrary, he appreciates it. Maybe that's why we can sometimes find a life partner even at work, collaborating with love on a project. Love appreciates work, living in the city, life between concrete and the noise made by cars!

So what's stopping true love from happening? The ego. The ego is against Love and creates its own circumstances, situations, brings people with a cold heart to fight against it.

What are you doing today to prevent it?


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