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Has the new year brought you more than just time to use today?

  Almost everywhere in the world, the arrival of the New Year is welcomed with great pomp, and even celebrated in religion and society with sacred rituals, carols, gifts and lots of fun. But I ask myself, as a man with a certain amount of common sense, and I think I would like to learn more about common sense so that I can then practice at least some of the things I have learned: has the year that ended not long ago brought me anything? You will have had some achievements, you will say. That depends. But what has the year itself contributed to the achievements that, thanks to the power and gifts that come from God, have knocked at my door? Come to think of it, the previous year and the ones that have gone before haven't even brought me time, I would say. I don't intend to complain by saying that. As we know, time can and does exist anyway. Regardless of the calendar. Just as the clock measures the units of time, according to the measurements that have been given to it, so does

How do you measure ... smartness?

 Man is the measure of his actions, said an old saying.

And this is not far from reality.

But how do we know if a particular person we meet is smart or not?

Wisdom and foolishness are qualities of the soul. And yet, they are part of the things that are seen, sometimes from a distance. Especially stupidity, as the elders used to say, "smells like a wooden post." I know, because I'm a fool too. Or even I'm the dumbest of them all. If I weren't, I'd be fine.

Well, who knows what that is?

Especially because I say with all my heart that I'm a fool, because I can't fully realize what my job is and what the words mean to me about my job.

I suppose they're just words to denigrate someone who gets too involved in the lives and discussions of others in order to get out of their way and leave them alone.

Is that so?

Some may ask: Am I trying to be smart? Just me? The village fool?It seems so. Coincidentally, I may have caught the germ of the desire to be smarter, or at least to look smarter.

Wisdom in this world has many advantages. Almost everywhere he goes, the doors open. Of course, apart from the bathroom door, which he has to open himself if he doesn't have a wife who is a little smarter than him …. .

How do I know I'm not smart?

Simple: I talk a lot and stupid. My words lack content. I am simply expressing myself as a man walking down the street with one foot in plaster.

Stupid communication never achieves its goal. Because of stupidity, I don't get what I deserve, and often I don't get what I want, just the opposite!

Stupid people like me, how can someone hire them, that you avoid getting malaria around them!

I'm a toxic man. Did I realize that and how stupid I am?

There is an advantage in the fact that it does not turn into matter, that I do not know if we would fit on Earth for much longer what it is !!

I care too much about others, so much so that I often get involved in the lives of others, and I do so without asking permission, while my life squeaks as I feel like giving it to the scrap metal. And if this nonsense keeps me going, I'm afraid one day I'll get so upset about it that I might just do it.

Come back. I said we are talking today about smartness and its real benefits. So how can I tell the wise man that I am a fool?

The smart man is distinguished primarily by the success he has, and especially by the fact that he does not give up when problems arise, but, taking a deep breath, he distances himself from the rest of the people and puts his hand in solving the problems that arise, and he does not let himself be solved! Some other characteristics of the smart man: he knows how to save his money, but he does not make saving a cult, neither in the family, nor in public life. The smart man likes to enjoy life with his family and loved ones! The wise man is short-sighted and knows how to speak when and what he needs, he also knows how to get wise words out of his mouth, which he uses to get in life what he needs, what he has the right and ultimately what he wants, when possible this thing.

The smart man sees himself first of all by the balance he shows day by day, without making an unnecessary effort to reach him, but he does it with pleasure and he is successful. The smart man is open to dialogue even with someone less intelligent than him, he greets you whenever you want to talk to him with a face lit as if by an aura of spirituality, he has a gentle, calm nature, he is not afraid of people and he does not He worries too much about what you're going to tell him, but he greets you calmly and lucidly, as if with open arms.

The smart man does not talk for hours with people he does not know, and he is not in the habit of talking about what he does not know.

He sees himself as he is, the smart man avoids bathing in illusions and fantasies. But at the same time, he sets short-term and long-term dreams and goals that he sees he can achieve, and he doesn't give up until he successfully fulfills them down to the smallest detail!

Obviously, even the smart man is sometimes wrong.

Clearly, we are not perfect!

And what is truly reassuring, we should be quiet inside and not expect perfection from anyone! Because he can't give it to us.

And yet, how wonderful it is to be smart!

The smart man detaches himself from the rest of the world so that he can always be instructed and take care of his business, but without leaving the world, and without separating himself completely from it.

The first time you meet a smart man, just stand by him and just listen to him.

When you find a smart man, it means you have found a precious treasure!

Why allow yourself to be fooled?

How do you distinguish and appreciate a smart man? I would kindly ask you to leave me a comment telling me how you see wisdom and what we can do to gain it.

Thank you very much, thank you.


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