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Has the new year brought you more than just time to use today?

  Almost everywhere in the world, the arrival of the New Year is welcomed with great pomp, and even celebrated in religion and society with sacred rituals, carols, gifts and lots of fun. But I ask myself, as a man with a certain amount of common sense, and I think I would like to learn more about common sense so that I can then practice at least some of the things I have learned: has the year that ended not long ago brought me anything? You will have had some achievements, you will say. That depends. But what has the year itself contributed to the achievements that, thanks to the power and gifts that come from God, have knocked at my door? Come to think of it, the previous year and the ones that have gone before haven't even brought me time, I would say. I don't intend to complain by saying that. As we know, time can and does exist anyway. Regardless of the calendar. Just as the clock measures the units of time, according to the measurements that have been given to it, so does

It's one of those days when I understand that and the parents have their world

  I believe and see every day how parents sometimes have their own way of understanding things. Perfectly normal, by the way. But what do you do when you become "mature" and see that your parents have not changed their "pedagogy" system or the way they look at you?

Important: Parents' words and criticisms do not invalidate us at all, and they often have nothing to do with us. This is often due to the parents' bad mood and the way they deal with it.

How can you have a healthy, optimal and especially practical dialogue with the person with authority who always criticizes your ideas and behavior?

- Try to calm down first.

It can be hard, it's true, but I see it as the wisest thing possible, especially at a time when a parent or boss who is too full of "his" is always criticizing you. Either he notices this, or unfortunately, he often doesn't even fully realize it. Sometimes just realizing that a parent or a boss has moments when he or she doesn't spend too much time thinking about what he or she is saying and doing can help us calm down after receiving criticism that we consider undeserved, but it is helpful and healthy. to aim to calm down and at the same time prepare my heart and mind to remain open to criticism without cultivating fear and panic and to be overly disturbed by a criticism that passes through my ear. Awareness of the fact that parents are not infallible helps us to overcome their criticisms a little easier.
And parents are people - imperfect, subject to mistakes, they usually see and defend their own interests at all costs, they look more than necessary at the "long nose" and the classic, but harmful, "what the world will say ? ” Awareness of the fact that parents are not infallible helps us to overcome their criticisms a little easier.
And parents are people - imperfect, subject to mistakes, they usually see and defend their own interests at all costs, they look more than necessary at the "long nose" and the classic, but harmful, "what the world will say ? ”. A scientifically proven fact: parents are not perfect either. Sometimes they even mess it up quite seriously in their married life, they are worried about their career and the daily worries about what they will put on the table can cause them problems that can block them from being able to "see" the real problems. of their sons and daughters, especially when they are slowly moving away from childhood and think that age makes them great people, which, in addition to not being true, this kind of thinking as we know it can be very dangerous.

So what do we do?

Of course, rebellion doesn't help, not at all!

It would help us to understand our parents even better, to put in extra effort and instead of accumulating frustration, anger and disappointment, to understand the truth and love behind the message of parents, which more than any criticism, is a signal that parents need help and ask for it through their language at every criticism and reckless word they say to us.
It is important to understand that parents also have their own world.
Help them to live it in peace, tranquility and happiness, being with them when they need it and treating their words with the necessary understanding and detachment.


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