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Has the new year brought you more than just time to use today?

  Almost everywhere in the world, the arrival of the New Year is welcomed with great pomp, and even celebrated in religion and society with sacred rituals, carols, gifts and lots of fun. But I ask myself, as a man with a certain amount of common sense, and I think I would like to learn more about common sense so that I can then practice at least some of the things I have learned: has the year that ended not long ago brought me anything? You will have had some achievements, you will say. That depends. But what has the year itself contributed to the achievements that, thanks to the power and gifts that come from God, have knocked at my door? Come to think of it, the previous year and the ones that have gone before haven't even brought me time, I would say. I don't intend to complain by saying that. As we know, time can and does exist anyway. Regardless of the calendar. Just as the clock measures the units of time, according to the measurements that have been given to it, so does

Human personality and its types in communication

COMMUNICATION-an important skill that requires daily learning and practice in order to use it effectively and that helps us achieve our goals in the most practical and healthy way possible. 

Gradually and surely, if we try hard enough and meet souls who have become through their own experience aces or masters in the field of communication and apply what we learn by interacting with those special people, we succeed in something absolutely wonderful and not at all difficult to do: namely ,we manage to communicate with others. 

Communication is not a skill we are born with. But what is learned. 

But some questions arise: those who know how to communicate well, can they do it with anyone? 

Is it so hard to communicate? 

Or is it actually quite easy, especially if you know how? 

Can communication be an easy and relatively natural thing if only we learn this art? 

How many kinds of personalities can we meet in communication? And how can we manage to communicate effectively with people who have acquired more difficult ways of responding at the communication level? 

Although, according to psychology, there are several types of personality, I still appreciate that at least in terms of communication I have personally met two categories: ,,source people” and ,,cathode people”. 

,,Source people”are the most accessible and much more open in communication. 

We can talk with them relatively easily, they have a receptive heart and mind, they avoid unnecessarily contradicting others, they easily find common topics of dialogue with the person in front of them almost regardless of their level of training, they show a sincere interest and a spirit of collaboration towards the person they are talking to, they are warm, show enthusiasm, but also patience,empathy, a sincere desire to help others. 

We have beautiful and interesting things to learn from the source people, and discussions with them will always prove to be welcome and in many cases they do not get bored when they give us the opportunity to talk with them, nor do they allow themselves to make observations more or less sharp to the interlocutor, because he knows that such an attitude means almost no communication, but actually prevents it! The ,,source people”are often the ones it would be for your good to have them close, or even make them your friends! Things are completely different with regard to the "cathode-people"!By the very nature of their personality that they have acquired over time, "cathode people" in reality do not take the time to communicate at all! Mostly because they never learned how to do it! Insistent, critics full of subtle sarcasm or even directly to the interlocutor who is looking for dialogue and solutions in the wrong place, "cathode people"use every opportunity to support their own narrow points of view and always put the other in the shadow. 

The "cathode man" on the other hand can end up communicating being full of hatred and even malice. In his great arrogance, he almost always treats others with conceit, selfishness, and arrogates to himself an inauthentic sense of self-security and self-importance. It is not always easy to get along with such "cathode people".

They pursue their own interest at any cost, defend their point of view at the expense of relationships, thus damaging communication, sometimes through styles that can prove sarcasm, verbal fight only for their own interest and fierce desire to stand out. Of course, this does not mean that "source people" never face a certain degree of awkwardness in communication or negative feelings! After all, they are people too.

But they developed over time and thanks to their life experiences and the finer surroundings they chose, certain qualities and a greater openness in communication, a better understanding capacity than most of the people they met. they meet and collaborate with, as long as they choose to keep their dignity intact, self-esteem at an optimal level, self-respect and at the same time show a sincere interest in the interlocutor and in his level of understanding, respect of oneself, communication skills and towards the communication level of the interlocutor,avoiding as much as possible disputes, misunderstandings of any kind, deviations from the simple, concise, correct dialogue with the person in front of him.
The "source man" rather seeks to show respect and dignity to the person in front of him, without wanting to stand out in any way!
On the contrary, he discreetly shows the other through effective communication what he has learned and what he knows about the topic under discussion, without making himself noticed by it, and without giving himself more importance than he actually has.
The "source man" gives the maximum possible importance to the topic under discussion and shows interest in the person he is talking to, as well as in the truthfulness of the information he transmits, and the fact that it is practical, easy to understand and above all simple and easy to use put into practice.
Your ability to be a "source man" or to play the role of a "cathode man" in communication does not fall from the sky, we are not born with it, but you acquire it in the course of your existence through the various ways in which you react to the experiences you come into contact with, and it reflects your level of training and adaptation to the various situations in your life, and the way you are used to dealing with them.

It is true that the characteristics of the "cathode man" can be learned over time, although it requires daily training, a lot of effort and work with you. Although such an effort is appreciated, this alone does not necessarily turn you into a "source man"!

Becoming a "resource man" requires self-sacrifice, leaning towards training, contact with people who have really succeeded in life, and more than anything, it means being around them and especially following their example!

It is worth noting that there is another category of people, with whom it is usually easier to communicate, besides the "source man" and the "cathode man". It is about the type of personality that I would call the man spectator. He is that kind of person who does not like to stand in front, to express himself, to say his off, in short, he usually does not like to ask for help, he sees himself solving everything by himself. People who have created or acquired a bystander personality are often in reality at a loss, because many of them are shy and refuse help when offered, or avoid asking for help even though they sometimes desperately need it. a professional help. Let's do everything in our power to become successful actors in our lives!! Let's not remain mere spectators of our own lives! Because by doing so, not only will we not gain anything, on the contrary! We risk losing everything! Therefore, let's become successful people and "source people"! Important: in order to become like this, let's not associate ourselves with "cathode people" at all, but completely avoid their characteristics, because only in this way can we enjoy long-term success and prosperity and develop effective communication with people who are we talking to! Which of course I wish your from the bottom of my heart!


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