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Has the new year brought you more than just time to use today?

  Almost everywhere in the world, the arrival of the New Year is welcomed with great pomp, and even celebrated in religion and society with sacred rituals, carols, gifts and lots of fun. But I ask myself, as a man with a certain amount of common sense, and I think I would like to learn more about common sense so that I can then practice at least some of the things I have learned: has the year that ended not long ago brought me anything? You will have had some achievements, you will say. That depends. But what has the year itself contributed to the achievements that, thanks to the power and gifts that come from God, have knocked at my door? Come to think of it, the previous year and the ones that have gone before haven't even brought me time, I would say. I don't intend to complain by saying that. As we know, time can and does exist anyway. Regardless of the calendar. Just as the clock measures the units of time, according to the measurements that have been given to it, so does

Why does the year bring you in most cases ... only days?

 How was your last year?

Did you also have nice events, or at least a little better days after the pandemic that has barely ended and the war in the East that is going round and round and brings suffering to most people on the planet?

Until now, the years that have come into my life, I don't know that they have brought me anything but ... days.

Of course there were better and less good days, there were days when I laughed out loud, and I also had days when I cried bitterly.

For example, the day my father died, a day in February 2013, was one of the saddest days of my life.

But the day I discovered the Internet was one of the best days of my life so far, because it turned out to be a real "gold mine" for me, because through the Internet I learned to do some important things in my life, including this blog.

If at least a quarter of our dreams and hopes came true, we could talk about better years and different years.

But for a certain dream to come true, it needs at least two things: to dream really, as realistically as possible and in harmony with our true potential, and 2) to ACT every day at least a little in harmony with our dream that we are most passionate about, and, thus working daily to fulfill our dream, we create the chance to turn it into reality. That's what I've noticed makes the difference between a day like any other and a truly great day: taking action toward your true purpose in life!

Without action, life surely passes us by, because we are not there!

Life means action, it means rolling up your sleeves and getting to work! For what? To fulfill our dream.

Nothing is accomplished without consistent action!! 

In fact, a year brings a great blessing for the man eager for action, to overcome his condition as a worm contributing to society that destroys your dreams because that's all he learned and that's what he lives on, but it brings 365 new opening possibilities in the face of opportunities that arise and as many opportunities to work with more and more spirit and zeal on our dream so that we can see it when it comes to reality. But there is a difference between a dream and a wish.

As a small child, I wanted a job that I didn't put enough effort into to turn my desire into a dream, so that by working on it every day I could turn it into reality. 

In fact, I was too lazy and not enough of myself, and I'm still like this: Because, if I had a bit more sense and I wasn't lazy, today I would still be working in the field I wanted. There is a big difference between a dream and a wish.

We usually work for a dream every day, we don't take into account the effort until we see it become a reality through our own strength and efforts, and of course with divine help.

Desire, however, is a longing for something specific, accompanied not necessarily by effort and sustained work, but by hope, which in itself does not see any other role than the maintenance and increase in volume of illusions.

Hope is good when you have nothing else to put in its place, for example when we are faced with a more difficult trial, such as a health problem that cannot be cured in the current system.

But when it comes to fulfilling a dream by turning it into reality, hope doesn't really have enough means.

For this I need to shake off my selfishness, the exaggerated need for security and control, to take the risk of any material loss and to seriously get down to business for the fulfillment of my dream. And that every day!

This makes the difference between a beautiful, fruitful life, spent working daily to fulfill your dream, and a wasted life, in which it seems that all days are exactly the same and there is no difference. For the one who fulfills his dream by working on it every day, every day is a beautiful and interesting experience.

In addition to keeping us busy most of the time, which protects us from lethargy and boredom, it helps us achieve our goal and dream. And the days become treasures of spiritual fulfillment and a truth emerges from this: when one day doesn't really look like another, we know that we are on our way to fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

It is true that a new year is about to come; but who makes it really become a year of success, happiness and fulfillment of our dreams? Isn't it the man who works hard every day to fulfill his dream? But what kind of work is necessary to fulfill a dream?

I would say that only the sometimes too exhausting physical work is not enough for the fulfillment of our dream.

We need at least two kinds of intelligent work: the work within ourselves, the work against the inclinations of the ego, against the obstacles that come from within and without, and the actual intelligent work that turns the dream into reality. There is a difference between a dream and an illusion, as I said above.

This difference is the work, the effort to fulfill our dream.

Without distraction, without waiting for someone else to do it, without hoping for help from outside, including receiving divine help.

But it is necessary in this world, as a kind of continuous theater of operations between pain, suffering, fulfillment and love, to distinguish between one dream and another.

There are dreams that we can fulfill in the current system, and there are dreams that it is not in their nature to fulfill. Or it is not in our nature to fulfill something that exceeds our duties. And it is not at all a good thing to do something that exceeds our duties and rights! It's a violation of free will to get involved in accomplishing something where we don't "boil the pot".

But where it depends on us and it is something positive and useful, it depends only on us to fulfill our dream, and not fulfilling it is a failure that does not find its purpose and will reprimand us very painfully for our lack of involvement to fulfill it the dream.

The man who relies on his work and who trains himself daily to fulfill his dream, will see it fulfilled if he always sticks to the work to truly fulfill it. Whereas the one who puts himself in second place and at the mercy of his own (dis)comfort zone didn't actually have a real dream to fight for, or he followed the so-called pseudo-norms of society and avoided to see what exactly a dream represents as opposed to wish, hope, illusion. For such a man there is no great difference between one day and another, but all the days he passes in life seem to be drawn in indigo.

It depends on each of you that the year that is about to begin and not only, bring you a little more mind and involvement for the fulfillment of your dreams and your calling in life, not just days!


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